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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/01/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 16 Jeff Himmel Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_16.mp3
10/29/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 15 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Sun Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_15.mp3
10/25/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 14 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Wed Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_14.mp3
10/22/23 Some Lessons...Learned Too Late Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 10.22.23amjeffhimmel.somelessonslearnedtoolate.mp3
10/22/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 13 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Sun Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_13.mp3
10/18/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 12 Jeff Ogden Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Wed Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_12.mp3
10/15/23 Faith's Rewards Doug Northcutt Sermon N/A Sun PM 10.15.23pm_doug_northcutt_faith.mp3
10/15/23 Words Charlie Glass Sermon N/A Sun AM 10.15.23am_charlie_glass_words.mp3
10/15/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 11 Ryan Barclay Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Sun Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_11.mp3
10/11/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 10 Jeff Ogden Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Wed Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_10.mp3
10/08/23 The Good News Michael Williamson Sermon N/A Sun AM 10.8.23am_mike_williamson_the_good_newsw.mp3
10/08/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 9 Jeff Ogden Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Sun Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_9.mp3
10/04/23 Who Is Jesus to You and What Are You Doing About It? Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Finding Our Purpose from the Past Gospel Meeting 10.3.23WedPMAndyCantrellWhoIsJesustoYouWhatAreYouDoingAboutIt.mp3
10/03/23 Abigail's Shadow Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Finding Our Purpose from the Past Gospel Meeting 10.3.23tuespmAndyCantrellAbigailsShadow.mp3
10/02/23 David, Peter, and Me Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Finding Our Purpose from the Past Gospel Meeting 10.2.23MonPMAndyCantrellDavidPeterAndMe.mp3
10/01/23 God's Invitation to Joy, Peace and Purpose Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Finding Our Purpose from the Past Gospel Meeting 10.1.23sunpmAndyCantrellGodsinvitationtojoypeaceandpurpose.mp3
10/01/23 Born Again by the Word of God Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting Finding Our Purpose from the Past Sun AM 10.1.23sunamAndyCantrellbornagainbythewordofGod.mp3
10/01/23 Opened Eyes and Burning Hearts Andy Cantrell Bible Class Finding Our Purpose from the Past Gospel Meeting 10.1.23amBCAndyCantrellopenedeyesandburninghearts.mp3
09/27/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 8 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Wed Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_8.mp3
09/24/23 Love Jeff Himmel Sermon Be Diligent to Make Your Calling and Election Sure Sun AM 9.24.23amJeffHimmelLove.mp3
09/24/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 7 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Sun Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_7.mp3
09/20/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 6 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Wed Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_6.mp3
09/17/23 Content in Exile? Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2023_09_17p_Content_in_Exile.mp3
09/17/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 5 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Sun Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_5.mp3
09/13/23 The Letters of Peter and John - Lesson 4 Barry Wallace Bible Class Studies in the Letters of Peter and John Wed Bible Study The_Letters_of_Peter_and_John_-_Lesson_4.mp3

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