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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/06/22 Watchful in Prayer Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022_11_06p_Watchful_in_Prayer.mp3
11/06/22 God's Word at Work in My Attitude Jeff Himmel Sermon The Word of God at Work in Believers Sun AM 2022_11_06a_Gods_Word_at_Work_in_My_Attitude.mp3
11/06/22 The Importance of Context (2) Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Sun Bible Study Lesson_10_-_Biblical_Authority_-_Context_2.mp3
11/02/22 The Importance of Context (1) Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Wed Bible Study Lesson_10_-_Biblical_Authority.mp3
10/30/22 Why Am I a Christian? Doy Moyer Sermon Mind Your Faith Sun PM DoyMoyer10302022WhyamIaChristianSunPM.mp3
10/30/22 Social Media's Potential Hazards Jeff Himmel Sermon Stand Firm: Christians in a Corrupt Culture Sun AM 2022_10_30a_Social_Media_Potential_Hazards.mp3
10/30/22 Authority: General vs. Specific (3) Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Sun Bible Study Lesson_9c-_Biblical_Authority_-_Authority_General_vs_Specific.mp3
10/26/22 Authority: General vs. Specific (2) Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Wed Bible Study Lesson_9b-_Biblical_Authority_-_Authority_General_vs_Specific.mp3
10/23/22 Our Culture's Marriage Problems Jeff Himmel Sermon Stand Firm: Christians in a Corrupt Culture Sun AM 2022_10_23a_Our_Cultures_Marriage_Problems.mp3
10/23/22 Authority: General vs Specific (1) Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Sun Bible Study Lesson_9-_Biblical_Authority_-_Authority_General_vs_Specific.mp3
10/19/22 Acts 15: A Case Study Barry Wallace Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Wed Bible Study Lesson_7_-_Biblical_Authority_-_Jesus_Approach_to_Scripture_2.mp3
10/16/22 "Why Do You Call Me Good?" Doy Moyer Sermon N/A Sun PM DoyMoyer10162022WhyDoYouCallMeGoodSunPM.mp3
10/16/22 Spiritual Warfare Jeff Himmel Sermon Stand Firm: Christians in a Corrupt Culture Sun AM 2022_10_16a_Spiritual_Warfare.mp3
10/16/22 Jesus' Approach to Scripture Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Sun Bible Study Lesson_7_-_Biblical_Authority_-_Jesus_Approach_to_Scripture.mp3
10/12/22 How Scripture Speaks (3) Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Wed Bible Study Lesson_6c_-_Biblical_Authority_-_How_Scripture_Speaks_3.mp3
10/09/22 God's Word at Work in the Workplace Jeff Himmel Sermon The Word of God at Work in Believers Sun AM 2022_10_09a__Gods_Word_at_Work_in_the_Workplace.mp3
10/09/22 How Scripture Speaks (2) Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Sun Bible Study Lesson_6b_-_Biblical_Authority_-_Command_Example_and_Necessary_Inference.mp3
10/05/22 How Scripture Speaks (1) Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Wed Bible Study Lesson_6_-_Biblical_Authority_-_Command_Example_and_Necessary_Inference.mp3
10/02/22 The Problem of Suffering Doy Moyer Sermon Mind Your Faith Sun PM DoyMoyer10022022TheProblemOfSufferingSunPM.mp3
10/02/22 God's Will and Man's Response Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Sun Bible Study Lesson_5b_-_Biblical_Authority_-_Gods_Will_and_Mans_Response.mp3
09/25/22 The Call to Holiness Jeff Himmel Sermon Stand Firm: Christians in a Corrupt Culture Sun AM JeffHimmel.9.25.2002.StandingFirm.mp3
09/25/22 Old and New Covenants Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Sun Bible Study Lesson_5_-_Biblical_Authority_-_Gods_Will_and_Mans_Response.mp3
09/21/22 Authoritative Apostolic Teaching Jeff Himmel Bible Class Biblical Authority in Today's World Wed Bible Study Lesson_4_-_Biblical_Authority_-_Old_and_New_Covenant.mp3
09/18/22 Wings Like a Dove Doy Moyer Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-9-18pmdoymoyerwithwingslikeadove.mp3
09/18/22 Church: Assembly Required Michael Williamson Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-9-18mikewilliamsonchurchassemblyrequired.mp3

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