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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/10/19 5 Fundamental Truths Doug Northcutt Sermon N/A Sun AM 3.10.19sunam.dougnorthcutt.fivefundamentaltruths.MP3
03/03/19 The Mind of Christ: Patience Jeff Himmel Sermon The Mind of Christ Sun AM 2019_03_03_Patience.mp3
02/24/19 "He Taught Them in Parables" Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019_02_24a_He_Taught_Them_in_Parables.mp3
02/24/19 The Uncertainty of Riches Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019_02_24p_The_Uncertainty_of_Riches.mp3
02/17/19 Making God in Our Image Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019_02_17a_Making_God_in_Our_Image.mp3
02/13/19 Our Decisions and Others Anthony Robin Invitation N/A Wed Bible Study 2.13.19.wedinvi.anthonyrobin.ourdecisionsandothers.MP3
02/10/19 Trying to Save Sodom (Part 2) Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019_02_10p_Trying_to_Save_Sodom_2.mp3
02/10/19 Trying to Save Sodom (Part 1) Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019_02_10a_Trying_to_Save_Sodom_1.mp3
02/03/19 The Mind of Christ: Compassion Jeff Himmel Sermon The Mind of Christ Sun AM 2019_02_03a_Compassion.mp3
01/27/19 Five Keys to Contentment Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019_01_27p_Keys_to_Contentment.mp3
01/27/19 The Spirit of Phinehas Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 1-27-19.sunam.jeffhimmel.thespiritofphinehas.MP3
01/20/19 If God Has Spoken Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019_01_20a_If_God_Has_Spoken.mp3
01/13/19 Love's "One Anothers" Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2019_01_13a_Loves_One_Anothers.mp3
01/13/19 Four Centurions Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2019_01_13p_Four_Centurions.mp3
01/06/19 2019 Theme: The Mind of Christ Michael Williamson Sermon The Mind of Christ Sun AM 2019_01_06a_The_Mind_of_Christ.mp3
12/30/18 Wrong Attitudes Towards God's Grace Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM FILE_001.MP3
12/30/18 Condemned by Others Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_12_30_Condemned_by_Others.mp3
12/23/18 The Servant Touches a Leper Brent Lewis Sermon N/A Sun PM 12.23.18pm_brent_lewis_the_servant_touches_a_leper.mp3
12/23/18 The Servant's Authority Brent Lewis Sermon N/A Sun AM 12.23.18am_brent_lewis_the_servants_authority.mp3
12/16/18 Lessons From King Josiah Luke Stevens Sermon N/A Sun AM 12.16.18am_luke_stevens_lessons_from_king_josiah.MP3
12/09/18 Herod's "Massacre of the Innocents" Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 2018_12_09_Herods_Massacre.mp3
12/09/18 Minding Your Business Jeff Himmel Sermon Called to Serve God and Man Sun AM 2018_12_09_Minding_Your_Business.mp3
12/02/18 Mount Zion Jesse Bingham Sermon N/A Sun AM 12.2.18am_jesse_bingham_mount_zion.MP3
11/25/18 How Incredible is Our God Jacob Black Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.25.18pm.jacobblack.howincredibleisourGod.MP3
11/25/18 "What Do These Stones Mean?" Jesse Bingham Sermon N/A Sun AM FILE_001.MP3

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