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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/01/24 Grace: Introduction & Lesson 1 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Grace: Gods Power to Overcome Sin Sun Bible Study Grace_Introduction.mp3
08/28/24 James 5:13-20 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Wed Bible Study JamesLesson23.jeffhimmel.8.28.24.mp3
08/25/24 Loving a God Who Loves Us Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 8.25.24sunam.jeffhimmel.LovingaGodWhoLovesUs.mp3
08/25/24 James 5:7-12 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Sun Bible Study JamesLesson22.jeffhimmel.8.25.24.mp3
08/21/24 James 5:1-6 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Wed Bible Study JamesLesson22.jeffhimmel.8.21.24.mp3
08/18/24 The Problem of Evil Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 8.18.24sunpm.jeffhimmel.TheProblemofEvil.mp3
08/18/24 In Search of the Perfect Church Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 8.18.24sunam.jeffhimmel.InSearchofthePerfectChurch.mp3
08/18/24 James 4:11-17 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Sun Bible Study JamesLesson21.jeffhimmel.8.18.24.mp3
08/14/24 James 4:1-10 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Wed Bible Study JamesLesson20.jeffhimmel.8.14.24.mp3
08/11/24 "The True Grace of God" (Part 2) Jeff Himmel Sermon To The Praise Of The Glory Of His Grace Sun AM 8.11.24sunam.jeffhimmel.TheTrueGraceofGodPart2.mp3
08/11/24 James 3:13-18 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Sun Bible Study JamesLesson19.jeffhimmel.8.11.24.mp3
08/07/24 James 3:1-12 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Wed Bible Study JamesLesson18.jeffhimmel.8.7.24.mp3
08/04/24 "The True Grace of God" (Part 1) Jeff Himmel Sermon To The Praise Of The Glory Of His Grace Sun AM 8.4.24sunam.jeffhimmel.TheTrueGraceofGod.mp3
08/04/24 James 2:14-26 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Sun Bible Study JamesLesson17.jeffhimmel.8.4.24.mp3
07/31/24 James 2:1-13 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Wed Bible Study JamesLesson16.jeffhimmel.7.31.24.mp3
07/28/24 They Will Rise Up Luis Cosma Sermon N/A Sun AM 7.28.24sunam.LuisCosma.TheyWillRiseUp.mp3
07/28/24 James 1:19-27 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Sun Bible Study JamesLesson15.jeffhimmel.7.28.24sunam.mp3
07/24/24 James 1:9-18 Barry Wallace Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Wed Bible Study Jameslesson14.barrywallace.7.24.24.mp3
07/21/24 The Gospel of the Lunatic (Mark 5) Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun PM 7.21.24sunpm.jeffhimmel.mark5sharingthegoodnews.mp3
07/21/24 Praying On Purpose Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 7.21.24sunam.jeffhimmel.prayingonpurpose.mp3
07/21/24 James 1:1-8 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Sun Bible Study JamesLesson13.jeffhimmel.7.21.24.mp3
07/17/24 Galatians 6 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Wed Bible Study GalatiansLesson12jeffhimmel.gal6.mp3
07/14/24 More Than Old Bones Jeff Himmel Sermon N/A Sun AM 7.14.24sunam.jeffhimmel.morethanoldbones.mp3
07/14/24 Galatians 5:22-26 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Sun Bible Study Galationslesson11jeffhimmel.gal5-22-
07/10/24 Galatians 5:16-21 Jeff Himmel Bible Class Studies in Galatians and James Wed Bible Study 7.10.24_jeff_himmel_galations_lesson_10.mp3

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