Three Kinds of People
It has been said that there are three kinds of people in the world: accusers, excusers, and choosers.
The accuser always blames his problems and failures on other people. Whatever the trouble, it is because of the attitudes or actions of someone else: his spouse, his parents, his boss, the church, the elders, the government…It’s never his fault. He is not responsible.
The excuser always blames his problems and failures on his circumstances. Whatever the trouble, it is because of something he cannot control: economics, genetics, social influences…He always has an excuse. It’s never his fault. He is not responsible.
The chooser takes responsibility for his life and his actions. Sure, he is affected by the people and circumstances in his life. He faces certain problems and pressures. But he knows that he will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of himself (2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:12). He knows that it is his responsibility to choose what is right, to grow in the Lord, and to influence others for good. So whatever the challenge, he sees it not as an overwhelming force against which he is powerless, but as an obstacle to be overcome through faith in Christ.
Which person are you?